Tuesday, September 18, 2012


After watching a gritty, downright historical would-be masterpiece, i find myself feeling slightly indifferent. Tom hardy doesn't really step away from the immortal Bane. His performance is bare, and ineffective. This is pretty disappointing. i mean, he has a pretty impressive career. i understand his character is a withdrawn, tough hillbilly, but he seems to mail this one in. The true star of this movie is Shia Lebeouf. He fLAWLESSly pulls off a character with deep complex emotions, being a careless, lust seeking young "boy" in his older brothers shadow. Shia pulls off so much emotion in a very confining movie. He may not get an Oscar nomination for this movie, but his acting is knocking on the door.  Guy Pierce is malice, with his early 1900 city slicker big shot hairdo. His chicago intellect and evil intentions, are magnificently performed. Let us not forget Gary Oldman, who briefly graces us with his thug presence. i'm talking boys N the hood gansta. he's just a short part in this movie, but unforgettable. This movie is enjoyable. thats really all I have to say about it.

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